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Intercostal Neuralgia

What is intercostal neuralgia?
Intercostal neuralgia is a painful disorder of the nerves that run between the ribs, and is caused by damage to one of the nerves and/or loss of function of the nerve.

The intercostal nerves run between the ribs and can be damaged in various ways. The most common cause is chest surgery, during which a nerve can be damaged.

Signs and symptoms
In intercostal neuralgia, an intense, sharp, shooting pain is felt in the chest, which radiates from the front to the back (or vice versa). Continuous nerve pain may also be felt. The skin can be painful to the touch and there is increased sensitivity to pinprick pain. The skin may also have decreased sensitivity.

How is intercostal neuralgia diagnosed?
If the symptoms appear following an operation, the diagnosis is usually clear. If this is not the case, other causes must then be excluded.
Do I need any additional examinations?

  • X-rays and an MRI scan are performed to exclude other causes.
  • You may be referred to a pulmonologist or other specialist.
  • What are my treatment possibilities?

  • Neuropathic pain medication

  • Other Treatments

  • Manual Therapy
  • TENS
  • Interventional Pain Treatments

  • Epidural injections
  • Sleeve injection of a nerve root
  • PRF treatment of a nerve root
  • Intercostal Nerve block /RF
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