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Femoral Neuralgia

What is femoral neuralgia?
Femoral neuralgia is a painful disorder of the femoral nerve due to damage and/or loss of function in this nerve.

Femoral neuralgia can have many causes, the most common being damage as a result ofhip surgery, such as hip replacement.
In addition femoral nerve neuropathy can be caused by:
prostate surgery,
gynaecological exploratory surgery and tumours

Signs and symptoms
The symptoms in femoral neuralgia usually consist of an unpleasant painful feeling in the front of the upper leg. Patients complain of a characteristic burning, stabbing pain in the thigh with a tingling sensation. There may also be pain elicited by touching the skin. In addition, patients sometimes complain of a loss of strength that mainly occurs when using the stairs.

Do I need additional examinations?

  • EMG.
  • A diagnostic test block of the femoral nerve can confirm the diagnosis.
  • What are my treatment possibilities?

  • Multidisciplinary Treatment
  • Non-physical Treatments
  • Physical Treatments
  • Medication

  • Neuropathic pain medication
  • Interventional Pain Treatments

  • Local infiltration of the femoral nerve
  • PRF treatment of the femoral nerve
  • Spinal cord test stimulation
  • Spinal cord stimulation

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