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Pudendal Neuralgia

What is pudendal neuralgia?
Pudendal neuralgia is a painful disorder of the pudendal nerve due to damage and/or loss of function in this nerve.

Pudendal neuralgia can have many causes, the most common being damage as a result ofpelvic surgery andshingles.

Signs and symptoms
The symptoms in pudendal neuralgia usually consist of a unpleasant painful sensations in the genitals and are brought on by sitting. Patients complain of a severe burning and stabbing pain.

Do I need additional examinations?

  • EMG.
  • A diagnostic test block of this nerve can confirm the diagnosis.
  • What are my treatment possibilities?

  • Multidisciplinary Treatment
  • Non-physical Treatments
  • Physical Treatments
  • Medication

  • Neuropathic pain medication
  • Interventional Pain Treatments

  • Local infiltration of the nerve
  • PRF treatment of the nerve
  • Sacral nerve stimulation


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